My latest trip and radio interview
Sorry it’s been a while since my last blog, but my oh my…The past month has been a whirlwind. One of truly stepping out of my comfort zone
One of the things that I think comes across quite strongly in my book is…You become the company you keep!!! Being an Empath I was very much surrounded by people I was trying to help in any which way I could. The result was sadly chaotic. There is that saying, “It’s far easier pulling someone down a ladder than up one.” It took me years to learn. So when I heard my mentor from America would be coming to South Africa to do a tour of business briefings and regional training in Cape Town, I really didn’t think twice before I booked my flight to Port Elizabeth to spend 2 nights before joining my dear friend Candice and her husband for a road trip to Cape Town for the weekend training. Cands and her hubby would leave the Monday morning, so I would need to take my first ever Uber to attend the Monday night business briefing.
I knew without a doubt surrounding myself with ALL the people I would end up connecting with through this trip…Including my bestie from High School, Belinda and her awesome husband Werner, where I stay when I’m in PE…I would receive incredible impartation, both through the people I would be surrounded by as well as the INCREDIBLE personal development offered at our companies regional training events. I even booked my flights with no insurance or any kind of leverage in changing times etc, just in case something came up that would try to deter me. What I didn’t think of when I booked the flights was would I cope? I haven’t travelled alone for years, my eyesight remains a bit of a challenge and yip, I do still suffer from Chronic Rheumatoid arthritis
Thoughts started flooding my mind like, “What the heck are you doing? You can’t do all this, you’re going to end up cripple and burdening all those around you. Seriously, who do you think you are? Just stay home and look after yourself, people will completely understand you are ill and as a result couldn’t be there.” Does this voice sound familiar to you? That my friends is the voice of the enemy whose sole purpose is to keep you from achieving your full potential.
I ignored the voice and even counteracted it with, “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength, I am a conqueror, an overcomer. Even though I did this, out of nowhere I started suffering from debilitating arthritic pain. Worse than it’s been in years. At night I also started experiencing excruciating pain in my left foot. The same pain I’ve felt in the past when there has been restricted blood flow. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, my legs started doing really weird things. I had to really concentrate to just get one leg in front of the other.
At times it felt like my left knee just wanted to give way. Seriously, it felt like I had had a mild stroke. What was I going to do? Call my vascular surgeon or rheumatologist? Heck no…That would certainly involve a hospital trip and I didn’t have time. Besides, I had no insurance on the flights, if I didn’t go, we would lose all that money! Hubby and I prayed, I shared a little of what I was experiencing and asked for prayer on Facebook and with my prayer group.
Before I knew it Nick had arrived from America for his Johannesburg meetings. My first meeting with Nick and an exquisite lady I had met through social media was at 10 on the Monday morning. That afternoon at 3pm, I was training another stunning lady on our different devices so that she can offer these facials in her salon. I had to walk across grass to get to her. Very embarrassingly my legs started doing weird stuff. I made light of it and got through the training. At 6.30 pm I had a full business briefing with Nick and Dave, a South African leader in our business. I had 10 guests attending in total. The pain was climbing, by the time we got home, I needed assistance to get out of the car and to bed. BUT I had managed my meeting and even got to share at the meeting. Tuesday fortunately all my business was online so I lay down, took it easy and packed my bag for the rest of the trip.
Wednesday morning was my flight from Jhb international airport to Port Elizabeth. My boarding gate turns out to be the furthest one I take it slowly, stopping momentarily if the pain gets too bad.

Then the craziest thing happened to me on the plane😁
Well, not really crazy, because through my journey with the Lord, I have come to expect these kinds of things to happen I’m not sure if you guys are aware of this or not ..But my dream is to be a motivational speaker/evangelist
Anyhow…Here’s the story. When I booked my seat online I booked it in a place where I would be sitting alone…No one next to me, no awkward conversations etc
Well, it turned out that a gentleman sat in my row a seat away from me. I noticed he was reading a book and making notes, minding his own business. Eventually I thought, “Come on, don’t be rude, say hi, say something.” I leaned over and asked him what he was reading? It turned out to be a book I’ve heard a lot about…”Ego is the enemy.” We got to chatting. When he asked what I did? I explained my passion in helping people to create vision, and work toward that through my online business. I shared that I had also just written a book. Very strangely I actually happened to have one in my bag. I also shared I would love to one day do motivational speaking/evangelism. Well…LOW AND BEHOLD, BLOW ME OVER. He turned out to be Tony Johnson, not just a public speaker, but on the board or something for public speakers whose friend is an agent for speakers. He bought my book there and then and we exchanged information
My friends…God is IN EVERY aspect of your life, no meeting is ever co-incidental. The Lord is ALWAYS working. Intrinsically weaving away to bring about your vision and purpose. We just need to trust and enjoy the journey. The ups and the downs, knowing the downs are allowed to bring about a better version of you, or something better…Always something better!
The radio and tv interview
Unfortunately NONE of my business meetings happened in PE. But I’ve learned to accept that, as long as you do your best, everything is ALWAYS working out as it should be and for your best. Because none of my PE meetings were happening. I was able to join Belinda’s bible study on the book of Esther and just rest.
Thursday was going to be a pretty packed day of calls, starting with Luke Lamprecht from “Woman and men against child abuse” to see where he may be able to assist me in getting word out about my book. Followed by a Skype call with Ginevra, the manager of my European press team around the book. There will be a pre-recorded TV interview happening in April in Europe. Amidst all this I get a call from KayCee Rossouw, Algoa FM to confirm our radio interview for that afternoon at 2.25pm.
Somehow I had overlooked the email from Carol-Ann Kelleher confirming they had received my emails and we’re keen to do an interview. All I can say is thank goodness they called to confirm. I started praying up a storm with Belinda, that the Holy Spirit would saturate me and completely take over during the interview. I planned to go walk in the garden quietly with the Lord before the interview. The phone rang at 2.15pm…The interview would be pre-recorded, airing at 2.25pm. There was no time for anything…The Holy Spirit definitely took over because feedback from everyone was great.
That afternoon I managed to start a course with Penny Lahanis on Emotion Body code therapy. Followed by a quick visit from another dear friend Vanessa. With tears in her eyes, she couldn’t stop thanking me for writing the book. Which in turn moved me to tears…I’m always deeply humbled to hear how my book is impacting people’s lives in different ways.
Belinda’s father and sister arrived for dinner…It was awesome. I hadn’t seen Uncle Andy for over 30 years and the Eisbein Belinda’s hubby made especially for me, was delish. Friday morning, my alarm goes off at 6. I haven’t managed to sleep for even 2 hours because of the pain. I sit up in bed, barely able to move. I sent out an urgent prayer request to my prayer group. Somehow I managed to shower, pack and be ready for when Candice and her hubby fetched me.
Time for a road trip

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We ended up having an awesome trip, even managing to stop off for lunch with my brother enroute to Cape Town, where we would be meeting up with my awesome sister. Thank goodness she had some sleeping tabs and I was able to get an early night and a good night’s sleep. Training started at the most exquisite venue at the V&A waterfront oceanarium at 8.30am finishing at 5.30pm followed by company recognition. It’s always nice to be recognised for work that you’ve done. During the day a lady approached me. “Thank you so much for sharing your story in Jhb, it’s because of you I was inspired to be here.” She said. Again I was moved to tears. The walk to the car was embarrassing. Slow and extremely painful. My feet felt like they were exploding. We got home at around 7.30pm to some awesome macaroni, cheese and bacon that my sister had made for us. Followed by another early night of plenty of sleep. Sunday’s training was underway by 8.30am and was jam-packed with so much personal development, ending at 5.30pm with so many hugs, cuddles and love shared between some incredible individuals. I knew the training would be good…But honestly the personal development skills we were taught and experienced during those 2 days, no amount of money can buy. Cands and her hubby left the next morning. My sister and her hubby were at work. I slept most of the day before confirming my business meeting for the evening at the Marriott Hotel in Century City…It was on. I quickly showered, got dressed and organised my first ever Uber trip I actually found it quite liberating although it cost a small fortune. Fortunately I was offered a lift back to my sister by one of our powerhouse leaders in the company.

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Tuesday evening I caught my second Uber to the TVairport and flew back to Jhb Lanseria airport, arriving at 10.20pm where I was met by my incredible husband. I have found getting back into my normal routine a little challenging, but strangely enough, my legs have stopped doing that weird, jelly- like thing they were doing.
The pain is no longer as intense as it was and last week I got to meet Fiona de Sousa, the owner of Shekinah in Roodepoort Jhb. Shekinah is a facility focused on inner healing and trauma…There is an awesome Delta intensive healing event consisting of 3 nights and 1 day held at Shekinah. Fiona bought a copy of my book and has invited me to share testimony and promote my book on the 6th of April.
My publishers and I have reached out to Exclusive books and I will be reaching out to Cum books tomorrow, along with other marketing sources…So please keep your fingers crossed.
If I had listened to that annoying pathetic voice just after I had booked my flights, what would I have achieved? What would I have felt like lying in bed? Useless and pathetic of that I am certain. I would have constantly thought of what if I had just tried? What would I have experienced if I just tried? I would have been miserable!
I have come to know, VERY, VERY WELL…The GREATER the SACRIFICE, the GREATER the REWARD. So, so many people miss the awesomeness that life has on offer. Why? Well, simply put…Change is uncomfortable. If we want a different, positive outcome in life, it often requires severe discomfort…BUT my friends Jesus is always with us, to lean on, to strengthen us and carry us through.

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My friends…All I can say is…ENJOY THE RIDE!!! GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING…Intrinsically in EVERY area