That image above is where is started and at the end of this blog post see some amazing results…
If you’ve read my book you will see the INTEGRAL part they played in my incredible transformation. And let’s be honest…Who doesn’t want to look and feel younger Yip and who’s tired of spending thousands on stuff that promises the world but does nothing
Before discovering any of them I was in an awful state of depression. I had been through my first back surgery, my rheumatoid arthritis was rampant, I was on loads of psych meds, oral chemo, plenty of cortisone, still having the odd alcohol binge and smoking weed. Although I was at the time using the Bionike skin care range, I was so much of a mess emotionally, physically and spiritually that there were many days I didn’t bother washing my face, let alone getting dressed.
I knew online would be the only way I could do anything because there was no way I would be able to keep down a job
I had been bed bound for 6 weeks after the back surgery, desperately searching for an online way to make income. Doing endless surveys yet not making a cent. I knew online would be the only way I could do anything because there was no way I would be able to keep down a job. At around that time, in fact up until the last year since changing my diet to mostly vegan, the rheumatoid could flair up out of nowhere having me completely cripple and in excruciating pain…
Most certainly not capable of showing up for work somewhere As for going for an interview
The first thing you do when meeting someone is shake hands…My hands clearly show that I am not well, thus not a great candidate for any position.
I was angry…Very angry at God…He just seemed to be nowhere. The conversation with Him went like this, “You know what, stuff you. I’m over you. You’ve taken everything from me, look at me!!! You know what, take it all, take my child, take my husband, my car, the house…Hey whatever you want, you’ve taken everything else so just finish it off…I’m done…Stuff you!!!”
Not 24 hours later I got a call from my dear friend Challice. We hadn’t spoken in 20yrs. Challice had known me since I was 14rs old, she was older than me and through the years she had been an INCREDIBLE spiritual anchor to me. Henceforth when I heard her voice I was all ears “How you doing?” she asked…”Nope, I’m not open to discussing me, how are you and hubby doing?”
She replied that they were doing great, they had actually stopped attending the old church we used to got to and that she had actually started an ONLINE BUSINESS!!! I got goosebumps everywhere and immediately cut her off. “That’s why you are calling me today, I’m in, whatever it takes please get me involved.”
She said no, that’s not why I was calling, I called because you’ve been on my heart. I explained my conversation with God the previous day. “Oh, well let’s get you going.” I had no clue what I was getting into. I just knew it had come straight from God…Needless to say, I cried and repented immediately.
Once I discovered it was all about beauty and wellness products I got even more excited. I had been looking at getting Botox for a while. My father had recently passed away and I had inherited some money through the sale of his property. Although there was no requirement to purchase anything I opted to purchase a massive kit with all the devices and loads of products including lipstick, mascara, a lip plumper etc. I did this for a few reasons…
First up I completely believed it was from God and the sooner I get my hands on as many of these products as I can to try them out myself, the better. I had a few trust issues around the promises made around these products etc. I would also end up saving over 40% through purchasing the kit and it seemed a good decision looking at the business platform and where I saw myself in the future.
I feel at this stage I need to highlight how awesome God and sly, yip sly He had been in bringing me everything I needed through a business platform. You see, I never bought myself anything really. I would always put my hubby, daughter or anyone else’s needs before my own…There was no way I would have purchased this miraculous R17 000 package unless I believed it would be a solution to helping my family.
Check Out These Results

Tap to select the previous period
The products arrived and I got to using them. Pretty much now forced me to get out of bed, wash my face and use the other lotions and potions. The Lumispa cleansing device is a 2 minute cleansing program…I had serious concerns about coping and just getting that part done on a daily basis. But it soon became a habit and the visible results were mind blowing. Having been trained in beauty therapy in some really great products like Environ, Guinot, Regime, Dermalogica, Nimue and Placecol. I was truly gobsmacked. The results were both instant and progressive. It is with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE I say…If you are not using a Lumispa to cleanse your face…It isn’t properly clean. Any product you are applying after hand washing your face, is being plucked on, to still blocked pores…Watch this video and you will see what I am talking about.
The world we are living in is moving EXTREMELY rapidly